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Cool bass guitars SNEB025 1
Cool bass guitars SNEB025 1

Cool bass guitars SNEB025


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    Characteristics of bass guitars

    The bass guitar, electric bass or simply bass, is the lowest-pitched member of the guitar family. It is a plucked string instrument similar in appearance and construction to an electric or an acoustic guitar, but with a longer neck and scale length, and typically four to six strings or courses. A bass guitar is a plucked string instrument built in the style of an electric guitar but producing lower frequencies. It produces sound when its metal bass strings vibrate over one or more magnetic pickups.The bass guitar is typically slightly larger than the standard electric or acoustic guitar. With four strings, it is quite similar to the guitar, except for the fact that its notes are about an octave lower than the guitar. Because of this, its typical role in a band is to act as a supporting instrument.

    The bass guitar is used to play low musical sounds called "bass lines" in many styles of music such as rock, pop, country, jazz fusion and many more.

    8 Types of Bass Guitars for You

    Electric Bass Guitar.

    Acoustic Bass Guitar.

    Acoustic-electric Bass Guitar.

    Fretless Bass Guitar.

    Long Scale Bass Guitar.

    Short Scale Bass Guitar.

    Stand Up Bass Guitar.

    Hollowbody Bass Guitar.

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